Limited Companies

Limited Companies

Limited companies have specific requirements regarding annual accounts, filing deadlines and reporting standards which differ from those of a partnership or sole trader. As a separate legal entity it has its own tax affairs and it is important to appreciate these distinctions in order to get the most from your business.

We can help you with: –

• Preparation of full and abridged company accounts

• Submission of the accounts to HMRC and Companies House

• Submission of your corporation tax return

• Submission of your annual return/confirmation statement to Companies House

• Submission of Directors’ self-assessment tax return to HMRC

• A final check before submission to ensure that you have claimed all appropriate expenses

• We can deal with HMRC on your behalf

• Our help and assistance as needed throughout the year

• Dormant accounts

• Confirmation of income for mortgage and other borrowing purposes

• Bookkeeping services

• Management accounts

• Cash flow projections and business forecasts

Since our inception we have been able to use our long standing relationships with Financial Advisors, Solicitors, Banking and VAT specialists built up with our parent company Yorkshire Medical Accountants.

The level of our involvement and support in running your business is determined by you and will be tailored to meet your particular requirements.